
Drug and Alcohol Addiction Support: Where to Find Help

If you or a loved one is struggling with a drug or alcohol problem, first, know you aren’t alone. Help is available. Below is a list of resources to help you or a loved one.

Drug and Alcohol Support for Individuals

drug and alcohol addiction recovery support for individuals
Ono Kosuki, Getty
  • Alcoholics Anonymous: This 12-step group supports individuals through recovery from alcoholism. Visit the website to search for in-person and online meetings.
  • Narcotics Anonymous: This 12-step group supports individuals battling narcotic drug addiction. Search the website for in-person and online meetings.
  • National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCAAD): 1-800-622-2255. Call this confidential help line to receive referrals and treatment resources near you.
  • SMART Recovery : This non-12-step recovery community teaches evidence-based relapse prevention techniques and offers meetings nationwide. Also visit the website to find in-person and online meetings, along with a wealth of recovery resources for individuals and loved ones.
  • SAMHSA’s Treatment Finder: Search providers by ZIP code or address. Go to the home page, and enter an address or ZIP code. Then, in the box at the top right, search for facilities within a specified distance. Under “Service,” check all boxes that apply. For instance, check “Substance Use,” “Mental Health,” or “SU & MH” to search facilities that offer one or both types of services.

Resources for Loved Ones

addiction recovery support resources for loved ones and families
Konstantin Postumitenko
  • Al-Anon: This 12-step community supports friends and families through their loved ones’ alcohol use. Connect with the community and learn how to practice self-care. Also search the website to find in-person and online meetings.
  • Nar-Anon Family Groups: This 12-step community supports friends and families through their loved one’s drug use. Meetings available in person or online.

Crisis Helplines

emergency phone numbers and crisis lines for drug and alcohol support
Leung Cho Pan

Please reach out if you have questions or need help finding other resources:

Next, see if 12- or non-12-step support groups are right for you. Then, learn five things normal drinkers don’t understand about alcoholism.